About us

Located at the corner of SW Boones Ferry Road and Seneca Street in Tualatin, directly across from the commuter rail station, we specialize in combining the time-tested science of acupuncture with modern medical solutions. Our clinic is committed to providing compassionate and personalized care, tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Our goal extends beyond alleviating symptoms; we focus on fostering a lasting commitment to your overall health. Reclaim the life you love by embarking on your journey to optimal health with us.

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Savage, LAc, DACM

Dr. Jeffrey Savage, LAc, DACM, holds a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. With a tech startup background, he transitioned to acupuncture after experiencing its profound impact during his recovery from chronic back pain. As a board-certified, licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Savage is dedicated to treating chronic, complex conditions, leveraging his extensive clinical experience to deliver personalized solutions. Beyond his practice, he is an avid Ashtanga yoga practitioner and adventurer, sharing his passion for positive transformation and well-being with patients.

As our team grows, we're excited to introduce new members, each committed to our mission of providing effective, compassionate care to our community. Join us on your journey to better health.

Ready to start living pain-free?